
Excerpt of latest publications of Fraunhofer IWKS

Year title/Author Document type

Tailoring crystal structure of high-entropy carbides in Si-based ceramic nanocomposites through precursor engineering

J. Eur.Ceram. Soc, 2024, 44, 6901-6910

E. W. Awin, K. Papakollu, A. Vayyala, T. Yang, J. Mayer, R. Riedel, R. Kumar, E. Ionescu

Journal Article

Facile mechanochemical synthesis of compositionally complex spinel-type oxides, (Co, Fe, Mn)3O4, (Co, Fe, Mn, Ni)3O4, (Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni)3O4

ZAAC, 2024, e202400134

D. T. Teppala, J. Bernauer, E. Drouillard, Y. K. Geddam, G. Chen, M. Widenmeyer, M. Trapp, H. J. Kleebe, R. Kumar, S. Mathur, E. Ionescu

Journal Article

Removal and recovery of phosphorus and fluorine in process water from water based direct physical lithium-ion battery Recycling

Water Research, 2025, 268, 122476

Ronja Wagner-Wenz, Dharma Teja Teppala, Tobias Necke, Fabian Brückner, Axel Fabian, Daniel Horn, Johannes Woth, Jörg Zimmermann, Benjamin Balke-Grünewald, Anke Weidenkaff, Emanuel Ionescu

Journal Article

Plasma-Enabled Process with Single-Atom Catalysts for Sustainable Plastic Waste Transformation

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, e202404196

Xiao Yu, Zhiqiang Rao, Guoxing Chen, Yuantao Yang, Songhak Yoon, Lina Liu, Zeai Huang, Marc Widenmeyer, Heng Guo, Gert Homm, Ulrike Kunz, Xingmin Liu, Emanuel Ionescu, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Xin Tu, Ying Zhou, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Morphologically and Compositionally Controlled Cs2SbBr6 by Bi and Ag Substitution

Cryst. Res. Technol., 2024, 2400055

Alexander Frebel, Songhak Yoon, Samuel Meles Neguse, Dennis Michael Jöckel, Marc Widenmeyer, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Benjamin Balke-Grünewald, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Recycling of NdFeB magnets in Germany (only in german)

DERA Rohstoffinformationen 60: 45 S., Berlin

Schönfeldt, M.; Diehl, O.; Gassmann, J.

Journal Article

Upcycling complex plastic waste: From waste to New Raw Materials

Kunststoffe 7/2024

Guoxing Chen, Chanchan Li, Xiao Yu, Gert Homm, Emanuel Ionescu, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Connecting Producers and Recyclers: A Digital Product Passport Concept and Implementation Suitable for End-of-Life Management

Procedia CIRP, 2024, Volume 122, 831-836

Christiane Plociennik, Ali Nazeri, Mohammad Hossein Rimaz, Svenja Knetsch, Alice do Carmo Precci Lopes, Tabea Hagedorn, Julian Baehr, Malte Vogelgesang, Chanchan Li, Wladislaw Benner, Bernd Kellerer, Emanuel Ionescu, Martin Ruskowski, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Analysis of Process Parameters in Sensor-Based Sorting Using Automated Material Flow Characterization

Proc. 10th Sensor-Based Sorting & Control, 2024, 145-165

C. Li, M. Yuan, M. Vogelgesang, A. Lopes, E. Ionescu

Journal Article

Epoxy-Based Carbon Fiber Reonforced Plastic Recycling via Solvolysis with Non-Oxidizing Methanesulfonic Acid

Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2024, 96 (7), 987-997

X. Zhang, R. Sibari, S. Chakraborty, S. Baz, G. T. Gresser, W. Benner, T. Brämer, L. Steuernagel, E. Ionescu, J. Deubener, S. Beuermann, G. Ziegmann, R. Wilhelm

Journal Article

Ruthenium induced hydrolysis effect on Fe2O3 nanoarrays for high performance electrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia

Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 2024, 351, 123961

Shumin Luo, Heng Guo, Tingsong Li, Haoran Wu, Fengying Zhang, Chun Tang, Guoxing Chen , Guidong Yang, Ying Zhou

Journal Article

A comprehensive review of carbon capture science and technologies

Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 2024, 11, 100178

Chunfei Wu, Qi Huang, Luciana Porto de Souza Vandenberghe, Sabrina Vieira, Carlos Ricardo Soccol, (...) Guoxing Chen, Xin Tu , Anke Weidenkaff, Sibudjing Kawi

Journal Article

Advancing oxygen separation: insights from experimental and computational analysis of La0. 7Ca0. 3Co0. 3Fe0. 6M0. 1 O3− δ (M= Cu, Zn) oxygen transport membranes

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2024, 18, 62

Guoxing Chen, Wenmei Liu, Marc Widenmeyer, Xiao Yu, Zhijun Zhao, Songhak Yoon, Ruijuan Yan, Wenjie Xie,
Armin Feldhoff, Gert Homm, Emanuel Ionescu, Maria Fyta, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Influence of Molar Mass and Degree of Substitution on Water Solubility of DEAE-Functionalized Apple Glycans

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2024, 63, 23, 10093–10100

Marius Wolf, Annike Möller, Stefan Hanstein, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Wheat bran extract as a source of amino compounds and sugar for biotech processes

Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2024, 96(4), 440-445

Stefan Hanstein

Journal Article

Solar Degradation and Stability of Lead Free Light Absorber Cs2AgBiBr6 in Ambient Conditions

Adv. Photonics Res., 2024, 2300269

Dennis Michael Jöckel, Songhak Yoon, Alexander Frebel, Samuel Meles Neguse, Jürgen Dieter Rossa, Alexander Jürgen Bett, Martin Schubert, Marc Widenmeyer, Benjamin Balke-Grünewald, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Recycling rare-earth permanent magnets for a resilient and sustainable energy and mobility transition
(only available in German)

Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 2024, 4. Heft, 74 Jg.

Mario Schönfeldt, Konrad Opelt, Jürgen Gassmann und Oliver Gutfleisch

Journal Article

Diffusion behavior of heavy rare-earths for grain boundary engineering of sintered Nd-Fe-B-based permanent magnets produced by the 2-powder method

Acta Materialia, 2024, 119871

Konrad Opelt, Chi-Chia Lin, Mario Schönfeldt, Jürgen Gassmann, Songhak Yoon, Oliver Gutfleisch

Journal Article

Solar Degradation and Stability of Lead-Free Light Absorber Cs2AgBiBr6 in Ambient Conditions

Adv. Photonics Res., 2024, 2300269

Dennis Michael Jöckel, Songhak Yoon, Alexander Frebel, Samuel Meles Neguse, Jürgen Dieter Rossa, Alexander Jürgen Bett, Martin Schubert, Marc Widenmeyer, Benjamin Balke–Grünewald, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Fractionation of Glycans from Hot-Water Extracts with Ceramic Ultrafiltration Membranes

Chem. Ing. Tech., 2024, 96, No. 4, 1–9

Marius Wolf, Stefan Hanstein

Journal Article

Influence of Nb substitution and sintering atmosphere on thermoelectric properties of CaTiO3-based ceramics

Solid State Sciences, 2024, Volume 149, 107467

Xingxing Xiao, Marc Widenmeyer, Wenjie Xie, Jinxue Ding, Moritz Thiem, Wei Li, Andrei Kovalevsky, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Tuning anisotropic thermoelectric properties of TiS2–δ compounds via intercalating iron

Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2024, Volume 44, Issue 5, Pages 2972-2981

Jinxue Ding, Chuanmu Tian, Wei Li, Jonas Spielmann, Clément Maheu, Nina Kintop, Marc Widenmeyer, Konstantin P. Skokov, Jan P. Hofmann, Ulrike I. Kramm, Wenjie Xie, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Entropy engineering in transition metal sulfides for thermoelectric application

Open Ceramics, 2024, Volume 17, 100535

Jinxue Ding, Wei Li, Moritz Thiem, Konstantin P. Skokov, Wenjie Xie, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

All that seems green might be a smokescreen – a case study on microwave-integrated process development of oxygen transport membrane material

Open Ceramics, 2024, Volume 17, 100534

Rishabh Kundu, Lukas Besecke, Vanessa Zeller, Anke Weidenkaff, Marc Widenmeyer

Journal Article

Perspectives on achievements and challenges of oxygen transport dual-functional membrane reactors

J Am Ceram Soc., 2024; 107:1490–1504

Guoxing Chen, Marc Widenmeyer, Xiao Yu, Ning Han, Xiaoyao Tan, Gert Homm, Shaomin Liu, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Polymer-Derived Ceramic Coatings with Excellent Thermal Cycling Stability

Adv. Eng. Mater., 2024, 2301820

Jan Bernauer, Samuel Aeneas Kredel, Emanuel Ionescu, Ralf Riedel

Journal Article

Reviving spent lithium-ion batteries: The advancements and challenges of sustainable black mass recovery

Battery Energy, 2024, 20230059

Yunjia Ran, Songhak Yoon, Dennis M. Jöckel, Samuel Meles Neguse, Sungho Baek, Marc Widenmeyer, Benjamin Balke-Grünewald, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Molten salt synthesized La- substituted CaTiO3 thermoelectric ceramics

Open Ceramics, 2024, Volume 17, 100522

Xingxing Xiao, Saad Arif, Jinxue Ding, Marc Widenmeyer, Gabriel Constantinescu, Andrei Kovalevsky, Hongbin Zhang, Wenjie Xie, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

The Pitfalls of Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Energy Technol., 2023, 2301213

Samuel Meles Neguse, Songhak Yoon, Hyunjung Lim, Jueun Jang, Sungho Baek, Dennis M. Jöckel, Marc Widenmeyer, Benjamin Balke-Grünewald, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Recycling of Metallized Plastic as a Case Study for a Continuous Sustainability Improvement Process

Sustainability, 2023, 15, 14737

Caitlin Walls, Bum-Ki Choi, Almy Ruzni Keumala Putri, Adriana Bernal-Osorio, Alan D’Souza,
Himanshu Khadse, Monark Ghori, Jürgen Rossa, Siddharth Varute, Gesa Beck

Journal Article

Multiplying Oxygen Permeability of a Ruddlesden-Popper Oxide by Orientation Control via Magnets

Angewandte Chemie, 2023, e202312473

Zhijun Zhao, Guoxing Chen, Giamper Escobar Cano, Patrick A. Kißling, Oliver Stölting, Bernd Breidenstein, Sebastian Polarz, Nadja C. Bigall, Anke Weidenkaff, Armin Feldhoff

Journal Article

Vermeidung, Substitution und nachhaltige Kreislaufwirtschaft von Kunststoffen

Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (Difu)

Difu Impulse, Bd. 11, 2023

Maic Verbücheln (Difu), Viktor Klein, Stephanie Lizak, Felix Assies, Sandra Köhler, Andrea Thorenz, Stefan Hanstein, Malte Vogelgesang, Irina Mostovenko, Michael Schweizer

Journal Article

Nanocrystalline Nd–Fe–B Anisotropic Magnets by Flash Spark Plasma Sintering

Advanced Engineering Materials, 2023, Volume 25, Issue 18, 2300252

Maccari, Fernando; Mishra, Tarini Prasad; Keszler, Monica; Braun, Tobias; Adabifiroozjaei, Esmaeil; Radulov, Iliya; Jiang, Tianshu; Bruder, Enrico; Guillon, Olivier; Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Bram, Martin; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal Article

Tin-functionalized silicon oxycarbide as a stable, high-capacity anode material for Na-ion batteries

Open Ceramics, 2023, Volume 15, 100388

Kempf, Alexander; Kiefer, Samira; Graczyk-Zajac, Magdalena; Ionescu, Emanuel; Riedel, Ralf

Journal Article

Room-Temperature Synthesis of a Compositionally Complex Rare-Earth Carbonate Hydroxide and its Conversion into a Bixbyite-Type High-Entropy Sesquioxide

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2023, in press.

J. Bernauer, M. Trapp, L. Wiehl, H.-J. Kleebe, E. Ionescu

Journal Article

Hydrogen-Tolerant La0.6Ca0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3- d Oxygen Transport Membranes from Ultrasonic Spray Synthesis for Plasma-Assisted CO2 Conversion

Membranes, 2023, 13(11), 875

A. Rashid, H. Lim, D.
Plaz , G. E. Cano, M. Bresser, S. Wiegers, G. Confalonieri , S. Baek , G. Chen ,
A. Feldhof, A. Schulz, A. Weidenkaff , M. Widenmeyer

Journal Article

Sequential double anionic substitution through synthesis of perovskite-type AB(O,N,F)3 with A = Ca, Sr, Ba and B = Ti, Zr

Solid State Sciences, 2023, Volume 146, 107376

Marc Widenmeyer, Joachim Häcker, Cora Bubeck, Songhak Yoon, Oliver Clemens, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Materials come around and go around: Adapting to nature’s circularity

MRS Bulletin, 2023, Volume 48

Dominique Schüpfer, Ronja Wagner‑Wenz, Katharina Hendrich, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Efficient transformation of plastic wastes to H2 and electromagnetic nanocarbon absorbents over molecular-level engineered 3D NiCo/MnO

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, Volume 476, 146477

Dan Xu, Chen Shen, Xingmin Liu, Wenjie Xie, Hui Ding, Marc Widenmeyer, Maximilian Mellin, Fangmu Qu, Aasir Rashid, Guoxing Chen, Emanuel Ionescu, Ye Shui Zhang, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Jan P. Hofmann, Dan J.L. Brett, Hongbin Zhang, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Unraveling Temperature-Dependent Plasma-Catalyzed CO2 Hydrogenation

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2023

Yuxuan Zeng, Guoxing Chen, Bowen Liu, Hao Zhang, Xin Tu

Journal Article

Hydrogen-Tolerant La0.6Ca0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3–d Oxygen Transport Membranes from Ultrasonic Spray Synthesis for Plasma-Assisted CO2 Conversion

Membranes, 2023, 13(11), 875

Aasir Rashid, Hyunjung Lim, Daniel Plaz, Giamper Escobar Cano, Marc Bresser, Katharina-Sophia Wiegers, Giorgia Confalonieri, Sungho Baek, Guoxing Chen, Armin Feldhoff, Andreas Schulz, Anke Weidenkaff, Marc Widenmeyer

Journal Article

Screening for sustainable and lead-free perovskite halide absorbers – A database collecting insight from electronic-structure calculations

Materials & Design, Volume 2023, 234, 112324

Julian Gebhardt, Andrea Gassmann, Wei Wei, Anke Weidenkaff, Christian Elsässer

Journal Article

Tunable Optical Properties and the Role of Defects on the Carrier Lifetimes of Cs3Sb2I9 Synthesized in Various Solvents

Adv. Photonics Res., 2023, 2300184

Samuel M. Neguse, Songhak Yoon, Alexander Frebel, Dennis M. Jöckel, Marc Widenmeyer, Stefan Lange, Arnulf Rosspeintner, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Christian Hagendorf, Benjamin Balke, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Methane up-carbonizing: A way towards clean hydrogen energy?

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 476, 146335

Guoxing Chen, Xiao Yu, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, Bowen Liu, Jonathan Harding, Gert Homm, Heng Guo, Stephan Andreas Schunk, Ying Zhou, Xin Tu, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Depolymerization of hemicelluloses utilizing hydrothermal and acid catalyzed processes proceed by ultrafiltration as fractionation media

Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 6, 100355

Wolf, Marius; Hanstein, Stefan; Schmitz, Oliver; Czermak, Peter; Ebrahimi, Mehrdadb

Journal Article

Fabrication of phosphor in glass using waste glass for automotive lighting application

Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4456

Choi, Seung Hee; Kwon, Seok Bin; Yoo, Jung Hyeon; Na, MinYoung; Kim, Bo Young;
Yoon, HoShin; Park, Seoung Hyok; Kinski, Isabel; Kang, Bong Kyun; Yoon, Dae Ho;
Song, Young Hyun

Journal Article

Phase evolution and oxidation resistance of Si3N4/HfB2/HfBxCyN1–x–y ceramic nanocomposites prepared from tailored preceramic polymers


Ceramics International, 49(21), pp. 34164–34172


Wei Li, Marc Widenmeyer, Jinxue Ding, Tianshu Jiang, Laura Feldmann, Jiongjie Liu, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Anke Weidenkaff , Ralf Riedel, Zhaoju Yu

Journal Article

Sustainable recycling process for tantalum recovery from printed circuit boards

Resources, Conservation and Recycling, November 2023, Volume 198, 107201

T. Necke, J. Rossa, B. Choi, B. Domínguez, A. D'Souza, H. Khadse, A. Kunkel, S. Nagarajan, R. Peche, M. Revello, F. Sauer, S. Huyer, O. Schulz, S. Vorwerg, C. Walls, M. Wickleder, G. Beck

Journal Article

In Situ Crystallization of the Inorganic Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskite Cs2AgBiBr6 via Spray-Drying

ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2023, Volume 6, Issue 8, Pages 4372 - 4379

Fett, Bastian; Kabaklı, Özde Ş.; Sierra, Camila A. R.; Schulze, Patricia S. C.; Yoon, Songhak; Herbig, Bettina; Glunz, Stefan W.; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Sextl, Gerhard; Mandel, Karl

Journal Article

Impact of quartic anharmonicity on lattice thermal transport in EuTiO3: A comparative theoretical and experimental investigation

Materials Today Physics, 2023, Volume 34, Article number 101059

Shen, Chen; Dai, Mian; Xiao, Xingxing; Hadaeghi, Niloofar; Xie, Wenjie; Weidenkaff, Anke; Tadano, Terumasa; Zhang, Hongbin

Journal Article

Recycling process development with integrated life cycle assessment - a case study on oxygen transport membrane material

Green Chemistry, 2023, Volume 25, Issue 12, Pages 4735 - 4749

Johanning, Melanie; Widenmeyer, Marc;  Escobar Cano, Giamper; Zeller, Vanessa; Klemenz, Sebastian; Chen, Guoxing; Feldhoff, Armin; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal Article

SiCO Ceramics as Storage Materials for Alkali Metals/Ions: Insights on Structure Moieties from Solid-State NMR and DFT Calculations

ChemSusChemOpen Access, 2023, Volume 16, Issue 1222, Article number e202202241

Šić, Edina; Rohrer, Jochen; Ricohermoso, Emmanuel III; Albe, Karsten; Ionescu, Emmanuel; Riedel, Ralf; Breitzke, Hergen; Gutmann, Torsten; Buntkowsky, Gerd

Journal Article

Polymer-derived SiOC ceramics: A potential catalyst support controlled by the sintering temperature and carbon content

Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, Volume 43, Issue 8, Pages 3191 - 3200

Liu, Jiongjie; Tian, Chuanmu; Jiang, Tianshu; Ricohermoso, Emmanuel III; Yu, Zhaoju; Ionescu, Emanuel;  Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Hofmann, Jan P.; Riedel, Ralf

Journal Article

Hard and tough novel high-pressure γ-Si3N4/Hf3N4 ceramic nanocomposites

Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2023, Volume 12, Issue 7, Pages 1418 - 1429

Li, Wei; Yu, Zhaoju; Wiehl, Leonore; Jiang, Tianshu; Zhan, Ying; Ricohermoso, Emmanuel; Etter, Martin; Ionescu, Emanuel; Wen, Qingbo; Lathe, Christian; Farla, Robert; Teja, Dharma Teppala

Journal Article

Improving thermoelectric performance of half-Heusler Ti0.2Hf0.8CoSb0.8Sn0.2 compounds via the introduction of excessive Ga and Co-deficiencies

Ceramics International, 2023, Volume 49, Issue 14, Pages 24414 - 2442115

Yan, Ruijuan; Xie, Wenjie; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal Article

Effect of Structural Changes at Various Length Scales in SiVOC Ceramic Nanocomposites on Electrocatalytic Performance for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2023, Volume 15, Issue 29, Pages 34895 - 34908

Papakollu, Kousik; Bhardwaj, Aman; Ionescu, Emanuel; Mathur, Sanjay; Kumar, Ravi

Journal Article

Laser powder bed fusion of anisotropic Nd-Fe-B bonded magnets utilizing an in-situ mechanical alignment approach

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2023, Volume 5831, Article number 171064

Schäfer K., Fim R.G.T., Maccari F., Braun T., Riegg S., Skokov K.P., Koch D., Bruder E., Radulov I., Ahrens C.H., Wendhausen P.A.P., Gutfleisch O.

Journal Article

Fabrication of phosphor in glass using waste glass for automotive lighting application

Scientific Reports, 2023, Volume 13, Issue 1, 4456

Choi, Seung Hee; Kwon, Seok Bin; Yoo, Jung Hyeon; Na, MinYoung; Kim, Bo Young; Yoon, HoShin; Park, Seoung Hyok; Kinski, Isabel; Kang, Bong Kyun; Yoon, Dae Ho; Song, Young Hyun

Journal Article

Chemical tuning of a honeycomb magnet through a critical point

Phys. Rev. B 108, 2023, 064433

Austin M. Ferrenti, Maxime A. Siegler, Shreenanda Ghosh, Xin Zhang, Nina Kintop, Hector K. Vivanco, Chris Lygouras, Thomas Halloran, Sebastian Klemenz, Collin Broholm, Natalia Drichko, Tyrel M. McQueen

Journal Article

Perspectives on achievements and challenges of oxygen transport dual-functional membrane reactors

J Am Ceram Soc., 2023, 1–15.

Guoxing Chen, Marc Widenmeyer, Xiao Yu, Ning Han, Xiaoyao Tan, Gert Homm, Shaomin Liu, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Depolymerization of hemicelluloses utilizing hydrothermal and acid catalyzed processes proceed by ultrafiltration as fractionation media

Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications 6, 2023, 100355

Marius Wolf, Stefan Hanstein, Oliver Schmitz, Peter Czermak, Mehrdad Ebrahimi

Journal Article

Lithium Extraction and Zeolite Synthesis via Mechanochemical Treatment of the Silicate Minerals Lepidolite, Spodumene, and Petalite

Minerals, 2023, 13(8), 1030

Tobias Necke, Johannes Stein, Hans-Joachim Kleebe, Benjamin Balke-Grünewald

Journal Article

Site-selective substitution and resulting magnetism in arc-melted perovskite ATiO3-δ (A = Ca, Sr, Ba)

J Am Ceram Soc., 2023, DOI: 10.1111/jace.19308

Songhak Yoon, Wenjie Xie, Xingxing Xiao, Stefano Checchia, Mauro Coduri, Peter Schuetzenduebe, Marc Widenmeyer, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Benjamin Balke, Anke Weidenkaff, Gisela Schütz, Kwanghyo Son

Journal Article

Post-consumer plastics/CoxMn3–xO4 spinels derived Co/MnO@carbon nanotube composites towards advanced electromagnetic absorbents

Carbon, 2023, Volume 213, 118273

Xingmin Liu, Hui Ding, Chen Shen, Dan Xu, Ruijuan Yan, Wenjie Xie, Marc Widenmeyer, Emanuel Ionescu, Hongbin Zhang, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Oxidation of Trivalent Arsenic to Pentavalent Arsenic by Means of a BDD Electrode and Subsequent Precipitation as Scorodite

Sustainability 2023, 15(11), 9030

Anna-Lisa Bachmann, Gert Homm, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Temperature-dependent mechanical and oxidation behavior of in situ formed ZrN/ZrO2-containing Si3N4-based composite

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2023, Volume106, Issue 8, Pages 4931-4943

Jiongjie Liu, Wei Li, Emmanuel Ricohermoso III, Zhuihui Qiao, Qingwen Dai, Xingmin Liu, Wenjie Xie, Emanuel Ionescu, Anke Weidenkaff, Ralf Riedel

Journal Article

Anomalous thermal conductivity of alkaline-earth-metal-substituted EuTiO3 induced by resonant scattering

Materials Today Physics, 2023, Volume 35, 101132

Xingxing Xiao, Wenjie Xie, Kai Philippi, Yamei Liu, Konstantin Skokov, Iliya Angelov Radulov, Marc Widenmeyer, Andrei Kovalevsky, Chen Shen, Hongbin Zhang, Stefano Checchia, Marco Scavini, Jian He, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Mechanocatalytic partial depolymerization of lignocellulosic feedstock towards oligomeric glycans

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2023, 7, 1870

G. Meyer, M. Wolf, S. Hanstein, M. Rose

Journal Article

Recycling Process Development with Integrated Life Cycle Assessment – A Case Study on Oxygen Transport Membrane Material

Green Chemistry, 2023, 25, 4735-4749, DOI: 10.1039/D3GC00391D

Melanie Johanning, Marc Widenmeyer, Giamper Escobar Cano, Vanessa Zeller, Sebastian Klemenz, Guoxing Chen, Armin Feldhoff, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Fabrication of phosphor in glass using waste glass for automotive lighting application

Scientific Reports, 2023, Volume 13, Issue 1, Article number 4456

Choi, Seung Hee; Kwon, Seok Bin; Yoo, Jung Hyeon; Na, MinYoung; Kim, Bo Young; Yoon, HoShin; Park, Seoung Hyok; Kinski, Isabel; Kang, Bong Kyun; Yoon, Dae Ho; Song, Young Hyun

Journal Article

Tuning the mechanical and thermal properties of (MgNiCoCuZn)O by intelligent control of cooling rates

Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, Volume 43, Issue 10, Pages 4517 - 4529

Nallathambi, Varatharaja; Bhaskar, Lalith Kumar; Wang, Di; Naberezhnov, Aleksandr A.; Sumnikov, Sergey V.; Ionescu, Emanuel; Kumar, Ravi

Journal Article

Tailoring the micro- and nanostructure of polymer-derived ceramic papers

Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, Volume 43, Issue 9, Pages 3969 - 3980

Peter, Johannes; Ionescu, Emanuel; Kleebe, Hans-Joachim

Journal Article

Polymer-derived SiOC ceramics: A potential catalyst support controlled by the sintering temperature and carbon content

Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, Volume 43, Issue 8, Pages 3191 - 3200

Liu, Jiongjie; Tian, Chuanmu; Jiang, Tianshu; Ricohermoso, Emmanuel III; Yu, Zhaoju; Ionescu, Emanuel; Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Hofmann, Jan P.; Riedel, Ralf

Journal Article

Additive manufacturing of Ni-Mn-Sn shape memory Heusler alloy – Microstructure and magnetic properties from powder to printed parts

Materialia, 2023, 101783

Franziska Scheibel, Christian Lauhoff, Philipp Krooß, Stefan Riegg, Niklas Sommer, David Koch, Konrad Opelt, Heiner Gutte, Olena Volkova, Stefan Böhm, Thomas Niendorf, Oliver Gutfleisch

Journal Article

Catalytic recycling of medical plastic wastes over La0.6Ca0.4Co1–xFexO3−δ pre-catalysts for co-production of H2 and high-value added carbon nanomaterials

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 122838

Xiao Yu, Guoxing Chen, Marc Widenmeyer, Isabel Kinski, Xingmin Liu, Ulrike Kunz, Dominique Schüpfer, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Xin Tu, Gert Homm, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Chemical Stability and Hydrogen Reaction Behavior of SmCo 2:17-Type Permanent Magnets

Adv. Eng. Mater., 2023, 2201934

Mario Schönfeldt, Konrad Opelt, Stefan Betz, Christof Metzmacher, Songhak Yoon, Jürgen Gassmann

Journal Article

The role of interstitial Cu on thermoelectric properties of ZrNiSn half-Heusler compounds

Materials Today Physics, Volume 33, 2023, 101049

Ruijuan Yan, Chen Shen, Marc Widenmeyer, Ting Luo, Robert Winkler, Esmaeil Adabifiroozjaei, Ruiwen Xie, Songhak Yoon, Emmanuelle Suard, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Hongbin Zhang, Wenjie Xie, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Catalytic ignition of CO over CuCeZr based catalysts: New insights into the support effects and reaction pathways

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2023, 327, art. no. 122435

Kang, R., Zhang, Z., Bin, F., Wei, X., Li, Y., Chen, G., Tu, X.

Journal Article

Microstructural evolution of Si(HfxTa1−x)(C)N polymer-derived ceramics upon high-temperature anneal

Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2023, 43 (4), pp. 1417-1431

Thor, N., Bernauer, J., Petry, N.-C., Ionescu, E., Riedel, R., Pundt, A., Kleebe, H.-J.

Journal Article

A facile strategy for reclaiming discarded graphite and harnessing the rate capabilities of graphite anodes

Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 445, art. no. 130607

Tian, H., Graczyk-Zajac, M., De Carolis, D.M., Tian, C., Ricohermoso, E., Yang, Z., Li, W., Wilamowska-Zawlocka, M., Hofmann, J.P., Weidenkaff, A., Riedel, R.

Journal Article

Hierarchical microstructure growth in a precursor-derived SiOC thin film prepared on silicon substrate

International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 2023, 20 (2), pp. 735-746

Ricohermoso, E.I.I.I., Heripre, E., Solano-Arana, S., Riedel, R., Ionescu, E.

Journal Article

Biogas reforming for hydrogen-rich syngas production over a Ni–K/Al2O3 catalyst using a temperature-controlled plasma reactor

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2023, 48 (16), pp. 6192-6203

Zeng, Y., Chen, G., Bai, Q., Wang, L., Wu, R., Tu, X.

Journal Article

Special issue of IJACT honoring Prof. Ralf Riedel

International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 2023, 20 (1), pp. 6-7

Ionescu, E., Kroll, P., Sugahara, Y., Mathur, S.

Journal Article

Defect structures and dopant solution states of Hf-doped Si3N4 ceramics

International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 2023, 20 (1), pp. 190-196

Kuwabara, A., Gao, X., Riedel, R., Ionescu, E., Ikuhara, Y.

Journal Article

Quantitative Characterization of Local Thermal Properties in Thermoelectric Ceramics Using "Jumping-Mode" Scanning Thermal Microscopy. - Abstract - Europe PMC

Small Methods 2023, 2201516 

Denis Alikin, Kiryl Zakharchuk, Wenjie Xie, Konstantin Romanyuk, Maria J. Pereira, Blanca I. Arias-Serrano, Anke Weidenkaff, Andrei Kholkin, Andrei V. Kovalevsky, Alexander Tselev

Journal Article

Multi-scale designed CoxMn3–xO4 spinels: Smart pre-catalysts towards high-efficiency pyrolysis-catalysis recycling of waste plastics

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Volume 324, 2023, 122271

Xingmin Liu, Dan Xu, Hui Ding, Marc Widenmeyer, Wenjie Xie, Maximilian Mellin, Fangmu Qu, Guoxing Chen, Ye Shui Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang, Aasir Rashid, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Jan P. Hofmann, Ralf Riedel, Dan J.L. Brett, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Magnetic and structural properties of multiple recycled and sustainable sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 939, 2023, 168709

Mario Schönfeldt, Urban Rohrmann, Philipp Schreyer, Mahmudul Hasan, Konrad Opelt, Jürgen Gassmann, Anke Weidenkaff, Oliver Gutfleisch

Journal Article

A Combined Hydro-Mechanical and Pyrometallurgical Recycling Approach to Recover Valuable Metals from Lithium-Ion Batteries Avoiding Lithium Slagging

Batteries 2023, 9(1), 15

Alexandra Holzer, Jörg Zimmermann, Lukas Wiszniewski, Tobias Necke, Christoph Gatschlhofer, Wolfgang Öfner, Harald Raupenstrauch

Journal Article

Enzymatic Degradation of Fiber-Reinforced PLA Composite Material

Macromol 2022, 2(4), 522-530

Eldor Urinov, Stefan Hanstein, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Mechanochemical Lithium Extraction and Zeolite Synthesis from End-of-Life Glass–Ceramics

ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, 10, 33, 10849–10857

Tobias Necke, David Magnus Wolf, Anna-Lisa Bachmann, Katrin Berberich, Hans-Joachim Kleebe and Anke Weidenkaff

Journal Article

Recycling routes of lithium-ion batteries: A critical review of the development status, the process performance, and life-cycle environmental impacts

MRS Energy & Sustainability, 2022, Volume XX

Ronja Wagner‑Wenz, Albert‑Jan van Zuilichem, Laura Göllner‑Völker, Anke Weidenkaff, Liselotte Schebek

Journal Article

Controlling the Defects of Cs2AgBiBr6 by Varied Precursor Compositions

Advanced Photonics Research, 2022, 2200061

Alexander Frebel, Songhak Yoon, Samuel Meles Neguse, Dennis M. Jöckel, Marc Widenmeyer, Stefan Lange, Volker Naumann, Arnulf Rosspeintner, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Benjamin Balke, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal article

Sb-Substituted Cs2AgBiBr6—As Much As It Could Be?—Influence of Synthesis Methods on Sb-Substitution Level in Cs2AgBiBr6

Energy Technol. 2022, 2200197

Yoon S., Fett B., Frebel A., Kroisl S., Herbig B., Widenmeyer M., Balke B., Sextl G., Mandel K., Weidenkaff A.

Journal article

Polymer-derived SiHfN ceramics: From amorphous bulk ceramics with excellent mechanical properties to high temperature resistant ceramic nanocomposites

Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2022, 42, 11, 4493-4502

Li W., Li F., Yu Z., Wen Q., Fan B., Feng Y., Zhao C., Ricohermoso E., Widenmeyer M., Weidenkaff A., Riedel R.

Journal article

Oxygen-Functionalized Boron Nitride for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane – The Case for Supported Liquid Phase Catalysis

ChemCatChem 2022, 14

Schmatz-Engert P, Herold F., Heinschke S., Totzauer L., Hofmann K., Drochner A., Weidenkaff A., Schneider J. J., Albert B., Qi W., Etzold B. J. M.

Journal article

Towards a Digital Lifecycle Passport for the Circular Economy

Procedia CIRP 2022, 105, 122-127

Plociennik C., Pourjafarian M., Nazeri A., Windholz W., Knetsch S., Rickert J., Ciroth A., do Carmo Precci Lopes A., Hagedorn T., Vogelgesang M., Benner W., Gassmann A., Bergweiler S., Ruskowski M, Schebek L., Weidenkaff A.

Journal article

Hot-Water Hemicellulose Extraction from Fruit Processing Residues

ACS Omega 2022, 7, 16, 13436–13447

Wolf M., Berger F., Hanstein S., Weidenkaff A., Endreß H., Oestreich A., Ebrahimi M., Czermak P.

Journal article

Additive manufacturing of ceramic materials for energy applications: Road map and opportunities

Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2022, Volume 42, Issue 7, 3049-3088

Corson L. Cramer, Emanuel Ionescu, Magdalena Graczyk-Zajac, Andrew T. Nelson, Yutai Katoh, Jeffery J. Haslam, Lothar Wondraczek, Trevor G. Aguirre, Saniya LeBlanc, Hsin Wang, Mansour Masoudi, Ed Tegeler, Ralf Riedel, Paolo Colombo, Majid Minary-Jolandan

Journal article

Synthesis and temperature-dependent evolution of the phase composition in palladium-containing silicon oxycarbide ceramics

Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2022, Volume 42, Issue 12, 4825-4834

Kousik Papakollu, Niraja Moharana, K.C.Hari Kumar, Stefan Lauterbach, Hans-Joachim Kleebe, Emanuel Ionescu, Ravi Kumar

Journal article

3D Analogs of Square-Net Nodal Line Semimetals: Band Topology of Cubic LaIn3

Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 10, 4446–4455

Samuel M. L. Teicher, Jasper F. Linnartz, Ratnadwip Singha, Davide Pizzirani, Sebastian Klemenz, Steffen Wiedmann, Jennifer Cano, Leslie M. Schoop

Journal article

One-dimensional Luttinger liquids in a two-dimensional moiré lattice

Nature 2022, Volume 605, 57–62  

Pengjie Wang, Guo Yu, Yves H. Kwan, Yanyu Jia, Shiming Lei, Sebastian Klemenz, F. Alexandre Cevallos, Ratnadwip Singha, Trithep Devakul, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Shivaji L. Sondhi, Robert J. Cava, Leslie M. Schoop, Siddharth A. Parameswaran, Sanfeng Wu

Journal article

Shielding Protection by Mesoporous Catalysts for Improving Plasma-Catalytic Ambient Ammonia Synthesis

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022

Y. Wang, W. Yang, S. Xu, S. Zhao, G. Chen, A. Weidenkaff, C. Hardacre, X. Fan, J. Huang, X. Tu

Journal article

Plasma-catalytic biogas reforming for hydrogen production over K-promoted Ni/Al2O3 catalysts: Effect of K-loading

Journal of the Energy Institute 2022

Yuxuan Zeng, Guoxing Chen, Jianqiao Wang, Rusen Zhou, Yifei Sun, Anke Weidenkaff, Boxiong Shen, Xin Tu

Journal article

Synergistic effects of Eu and Nb dual substitution on improving the thermoelectric performance of the natural perovskite CaTiO3

Materials Today Physics 2022, Volume 26, 100741

Xingxing Xiao, Wenjie Xie, Marc Widenmeyer, Maximilian Mellin, Aamir Iqbal Waidha, Oliver Clemens, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal article

Plasma pyrolysis for a sustainable hydrogen economy

Nature Reviews Materials 2022

G. Chen, X. Tu, G. Homm, A. Weidenkaff


Towards a Digital Lifecycle Passport for the Circular Economy

Procedia CIRP 105 2022

C. Plociennik, M. Pourjafarian, A. Nazeri, W. Windholz, S. Knetsch, J. Rickert, A. Ciroth, A. do CarmoPrecci Lopes,   T. Hagedorn, M. Vogelgesang, W. Benner, A. Gassmann, S. Bergweiler, M. Ruskowski, L. Schebek, A. Weidenkaff

Journal article

Planetary Health: What we need to talk about


U.a. A. Weidenkaff

Journal article

Beyond Climate Neutrality

Policy Paper, 12, WBGU

Bassen, Alexander, Drewes, Jörg, Fischer, Markus, Gabrysch, Sabine, Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Pittel, Karen, Pörtner, Hans-Otto, Schlacke, Sabine, Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Effects of Cr Doping and Water Content on the Crystal Structure Transitions of Ba2In2O5

Crystals 2021, first published 10.12.21

Raphael Finger, Marc Widenmeyer, Thomas C. Hansen, Dirk Wallacher, Stanislav Savvin, Marko Bertmer, Anke Weidenkaff, Holger Kohlmann

Journal article

Eco-Factors for International Company Environmental Management Systems

Sustainability 2021, first published 16.12.2021

Liselotte Schebek, Andrea Gassmann, Elisabeth Nunweiler, Steffen Wellge, Moritz Werthen

Journal article

Nanocellulose-polysilazane single-source-precursor derived defect-rich carbon nanofibers/SiCN nanocomposites with excellent electromagnetic absorption performance

Carbon, first published 28.11.21  

Xingmin Liu, Minghang Li, Heqiang Liu, Wenyan Duan, Claudia Fasel, Yongchao Chen, Fangmu Qu, Wenjie Xie, Xiaomeng Fan, Ralf Riedel, Anke Weidenkaff

Journal article

Upcycling Waste Plastics into Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites via NiCo2O4 Catalytic Pyrolysis

Catalysts 2021, 11(11), 1353

Xingmin Liu, Wenjie Xie, Marc Widenmeyer, Hui Ding, Guoxing Chen, Dario M. De Carolis, Kerstin Lakus-Wollny, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Ralf Riedel, and Anke Weidenkaff

Journal article

Roadmap on Sustainable Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conducting Membranes

Advanced Functional Materials, First published: 23 October 2021

Guoxing Chen, Armin Feldhoff, Anke Weidenkaff, Claudia Li, Shaomin Liu, Xuefeng Zhu, Jaka Sunarso, Kevin Huang, Xiao-Yu Wu, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Weishen Yang, Jian Xue, Haihui Wang, Zongping Shao, Jack H. Duffy, Kyle S. Brinkman, Xiaoyao Tan, Yan Zhang, Heqing Jiang, Rémi Costa, Kaspar Andreas Friedrich, Ralf Kriegel

Journal article

Multifunctional antiperovskites driven by strong magnetostructural coupling

npj Computational Materials 2021, 7

Singh, H. K., Samathrakis, I., Fortunato, N. M., Zemen, J., Shen, C., Gutfleisch, O., Zhang, H.

Journal article

Upscaling the 2‐Powder Method for the Manufacturing of Heavy Rare Earth‐Lean Sintered didymium‐based Magnets

Advanced Engineering Materials 2021

Opelt, K., Ahmad, T., Diehl, O., Schönfeldt, M., Brouwer, E., Vogel, I., Rossa, J. D., Gassmann, J., Ener, S., Gutfleisch, O.

Journal article

Observation of multiple sites for trivalent europium ions in SrAl2O4

Journal of Luminescence 2021, 239, 118348

Bierwagen, J., Delgado, T., Afshani, J., Yoon, S., Gartmann, N., Walfort, B., Hagemann, H.

Journal article

Sustainable paper templated ultrathin, light-weight and flexible niobium carbide based films against electromagnetic interference

Carbon 2021, 183, 929

Li, M., Chai, N., Liu, X., Xie, W., Wang, G., Qu, F., Chen, Y., Fan, X., Weidenkaff, A., Riedel, R.

Journal article

Effects of Doping Ni on the Microstructures and Thermoelectric Properties of Co-Excessive NbCoSn Half-Heusler Compounds

ACS applied materials & interfaces 2021, 13, 34533

Yan, R., Xie, R., Xie, W., Shen, C., Li, W., Balke, B., Yoon, S., Zhang, H., Weidenkaff, A.

Journal article

Process development options for electronic waste fractionation to achieve maximum material value recovery

Waste management & research the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA, 2021

Bruch, J.-R., Bokelmann, K., Grimes, S. M.

Journal article

Dark Matter: Peculiarities within the Li1−xRE5+xW8O32 series (RE = Dy − Lu)

J Alloys Compd 2021, 180, 159147

Dorn, K. V., Blaschkowski, B., Bamberger, H., van Slageren, J., Widenmeyer, M., Weidenkaff, A., Suard, E., Hartenbach, I.

Journal article

In vitro safety evaluation of rare earth-lean alloys for permanent magnets manufacturing

Sci. Rep. 2021, 11, 12633

Rumbo, C., Espina, C. C., Gassmann, J., Tosoni, O., Barros García, R., Martín, S. M., Tamayo-Ramos, J. A.

Journal article

Design and Qualification of Pr–Fe–Cu–B Alloys for the Additive Manufacturing of Permanent Magnets

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 11, 2102148

Schäfer, L., Skokov, K., Liu, J., Maccari, F., Braun, T., Riegg, S., Radulov, I., Gassmann, J., Merschroth, H., Harbig, J., Weigold, M., Gutfleisch, O.

Journal article

Designing of magnetic MAB phases for energy applications

J. Mater. Chem. A 2021, 9, 8805

Shen, C., Gao, Q., Fortunato, N. M., Singh, H. K., Opahle, I., Gutfleisch, O., Zhang, H.

Journal article

High-temperature electrical and thermal transport properties of polycrystalline PdCoO2

Phys. Rev. Materials 2021, 5

Yordanov, P., Gibbs, A. S., Kaya, P., Bette, S., Xie, W., Xiao, X., Weidenkaff, A., Takagi, H., Keimer, B.

Journal article

Holistic View on Materials Development: Water Electrolysis as a Case Study

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, First published July 7, 2021

Dr. Sebastian Klemenz, Dr. Andreas Stegmüller, Dr. Songhak Yoon, Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Harun Tüysüz, Prof. Dr. Anke Weidenkaff

Journal article

A world without electronic waste
Nat Rev Mater 2021, 6, 399.

Anke Weidenkaff, Ronja Wagner-Wenz, Angelika Veziridis

Journal article

A–site Deficient Chromite with In Situ Ni Exsolution as Fuel Electrode for Solid Oxide Cells (SOC)

Diana María Amaya-Dueñas, Guoxing Chen, Anke Weidenkaff, Noriko Sata, Feng Han, Indro Biswas, Rémi Costa and Kaspar Andreas Andreas Friedrich  

Journal article

Synthesis and Characterization of 40 wt % Ce0.9Pr0.1O2–δ–60 wt % NdxSr1−xFe0.9Cu0.1O3−δ Dual-Phase Membranes for Efficient Oxygen Separation.
Membranes,  202010, 183. 

Chen, G.; Zhao, Z.; Widenmeyer, M.; Yan, R.; Wang, L.; Feldhoff, A.; Weidenkaff, A.

Journal article

HDDR treatment of Ce-substituted Nd2Fe14B-based permanent magnet alloys - phase structure evolution, intergranular processes and magnetic property development

Poenaru, Iuliana; Lixandru, Alexandru, Güth, Konrad; Malfliet, Annelies; Yoon, Songhak; Škulj, Irena; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Strongly affected photocatalytic CO2 reduction by CO2 adsorbed to the surface of Ba2(In1.8Cr0.2)O5·(H2O) powders

Yoon, Songhak; Nikoee, Sheler; Ranjbar, Maryam; Ziegenbalg, Dirk; Widenmeyer, Marc; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Tailoring thermoelectric properties of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn half-Heusler compound by defect engineering

Gałązka, Krzysztof; Xie, Wenjie; Populoh, Sascha; Aguirre, Myriam H.; Yoon, Songhak; Büttner, Gesine; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Probing traps in the persistent phosphor SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+,B3+ - A wavelength, temperature and sample dependent thermoluminescence investigation

Bierwagen, Jakob; Delgado, Teresa; Jiranek, Guillaume; Yoon, Songhak; Gartmann, Nando; Walfort, Bernhard; Pollnau, Markus; Hagemann, Hans

Journal article

Engineering of oxygen pathways for better oxygen permeability in Cr-substituted Ba2In2O5 membranes

Widenmeyer, Marc; Wiegers, Katharina-Sophia; Chen, Guoxing; Yoon, Songhak; Feldhoff, Armin; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Tailoring of an unusual oxidation state in a lanthanum tantalum(IV) oxynitride via precursor microstructure design

Bubeck, C.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Richter, G.; Coduri, M.; Goering, E.; Yoon, Songhak; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Synergistic effects of zirconium- and aluminum co-doping on the thermoelectric performance of zinc oxide

Zakharchuk, K. V.; Tobaldi, D. M.; Xiao, X.; Xie, W.; Mikhalev, S. M.; Martins, J. F.; Frade, J. R.; Weidenkaff, Anke; Kovalevsky, A. V.

Journal article

Little precious lithium?

Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Thermoelectric performance of Nb-doped SrTiO3 enhanced by reduced graphene oxide and Sr deficiency cooperation

Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

A CO and CO2 tolerating (La0.9Ca0.1)2(Ni0.75Cu0.25)O4+δ Ruddlesden-Popper membrane for oxygen separation

Chen, G.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Tang, B.; Kaeswurm, L.; Wang, L.; Feldhoff, Armin; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

High flux and CO2-resistance of La0.6Ca0.4Co1–xFexO3−Δ oxygen-transporting membranes

Chen, G.; Liu, W.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Ying, P.; Dou, M.; Xie, W.; Bubeck, C.; Wang, L.; Fyta, M.; Feldhoff, Armin; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

A novel plasma-assisted hollow fiber membrane concept for efficiently separating oxygen from CO in a CO2 plasma

Chen, G.; Buck, F.; Kistner, I.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Schiestel, T.; Schulz, A.; Walker, M.; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Exploring tantalum as a potential dopant to promote the thermoelectric performance of zinc oxide

Arias-Serrano, B. I.; Xie, W.; Aguirre, M. H.; Tobaldi, D. M.; Sarabando, A. R.; Rasekh, S.; Mikhalev, S. M.; Frade, J. R.; Weidenkaff, Anke; Kovalevsky, A. V.

Journal article

Synthesis and evaluation of the A-site deficient perovskite La0.65Sr0.3Cr0.85Ni0.15O3-δ as fuel electrode for high temperature co-electrolysis enhanced by in situ exsolution of ni nanoparticles

Amaya Dueñas, D. M.; Chen, G.; Weidenkaff, Anke; Sata, N.; Han, F.; Schiller, G.; Costa, R.; Friedrich, A. K.

Journal article

Experimental and computational analysis of binary Fe-Sn ferromagnetic compounds

Fayyazi, Bahar; Skokov, Konstantin P.; Faske, Tom; Opahle, Ingo; Duerrschnabel, Michael; Helbig, Tim; Soldatov, Ivan; Rohrmann, Urban; Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Güth, Konrad; Zhang, Hongbin; Donner, Wolfgang; Schäfer, Rudolf; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Ce and La as substitutes for Nd in Nd2Fe14B-based melt-spun alloys and hot-deformed magnets: a comparison of structural and magnetic properties

Poenaru, Iuliana; Lixandru, Alexandru; Riegg, Stefan; Fayyazi, Bahar; Taubel, Andreas; Güth, Konrad; Gauß, Roland; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Efficient Process for Li-Ion Battery Recycling via Electrohydraulic Fragmentation

Öhl, Johannes; Horn, Daniel; Zimmermann, Jörg; Stauber, Rudolf; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Production of net-shape Mn-Al permanent magnets by electron beam melting

Radulov, I. A.; Popov, V. V.; Koptyug, A.; Maccari, F.; Kovalevsky, A.; Essel, S.; Gassmann, Jürgen; Skokov, K. P.; Bamberger, M.

Journal article

Towards manufacturing of Nd-Fe-B magnets by continuous rotary swaging of cast alloy

Chi, F.; Wießner, L.; Gröb, T.; Bruder, Enrico; Sawatzki, Simon; Löwe, K.; Gassmann, Jürgen; Müller, C.; Durst, K.; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Groche, P.

Journal article

Recyclable Phosphor Films: Three Water-Soluble Binder Systems Enabling the Recovery of Phosphor Powders in White LEDs

Hämmer, M.; Gassmann, Andrea; Reller, Armin; Seggern, Heinz von; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Stauber, Rudolf; Zimmermann, Jörg

Journal article

Recyclable phosphor sheet based on polyvinyl alcohol for LED lighting using remote phosphor technology

Hämmer, M.; Gassmann, Andrea; Reller, A.; Seggern, H. von; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Stauber, Rudolf; Zimmermann, Jörg

Journal article

Recovery of tantalum from printed circuit boards: An overview of the IRETA project

Sauer, F.; Choi, B.-K.; Beck, G.; Wickleder, M.

Journal article

Bioleaching of valuable and hazardous metals from dry discharged incineration slag. An approach for metal recycling and pollutant elimination

Auerbach, Romy; Ratering, Stefan; Bokelmann, Katrin; Gellermann, Carsten; Brämer, Thilo; Baumann, Renate; Schnell, Sylvia

Journal article

Critical raw materials – Advanced recycling technologies and processes: Recycling of rare earth metals out of end of life magnets by bioleaching with various bacteria as an example of an intelligent recycling strategy

Auerbach, Romy; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Schnell, Sylvia; Ratering, Stefan

Journal article

Ferromagnetism in nitrogen and fluorine substituted BaTiO3

Yoon, Songhak; Son, K.; Ebbinghaus, S. G.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Photocatalytic CO2 reduction by Cr-substituted Ba2(In2-xCrx)O5·(H2O)δ (0.04 ≤ x ≤ 0.60)

Yoon, Songhak; Gaul, M.; Sharma, S.; Son, K.; Hagemann, H.; Ziegenbalg, D.; Schwingenschlogl, U.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

A squeeze on the perovskite structure improves the thermoelectric performance of Europium Calcium Titanates

Xiao, X.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Mueller, K.; Scavini, M.; Checchia, S.; Castellano, C.; Ma, D.; Yoon, Songhak; Xie, W.; Starke, U.; Zakharchuk, K.; Kovalevsky, A.; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

Enhancing point defect scattering in copper antimony selenides via Sm and S Co-doping

Zou, T.-H.; Xie, W.-J.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Xiao, X.-X.; Qin, X.-Y.; Weidenkaff, Anke

Journal article

A self-forming nanocomposite concept for ZnO-based thermoelectrics

Zakharchuk, K. V.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Alikin, D. O.; Xie, W.; Populoh, S.; Mikhalev, S. M.; Tselev, A.; Frade, J. R.; Weidenkaff, Anke; Kovalevsky, A. V.

Journal article

Thermopower Enhancement from Engineering the Na0.7CoO2 Interacting Fermiology via Fe Doping

Richter, R.; Shopova, D.; Xie, W.; Weidenkaff, Anke; Lechermann, F.

Journal article

EMRS Spring Meeting 2017, Symposium T: Synthesis, processing and characterization of nanoscale multi functional oxide films VI held May 22-26, 2017, Strasbourg, France

Nistor, M.; Jedrecy, N.; Laidani, N. B.; Weidenkaff, Anke


Ammonothermal Crystal Growth of Indium Nitride

Hertrampf, J.; Becker, P.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Weidenkaff, Anke; Schlücker, E.; Niewa, R.

Journal article

Hemicellulosen aus Fruchtresten für Beschichtungen von Verpackungen

Reising, Anna; Hanstein, Stefan; Kazmierczak, Karolina; Titze-Frech, Karin

Journal article

The Influence of Trace Elements (In, Sn) on the Hardening Process of Al-Cu Alloys

Lotter, Frank; Petschke, Danny; Staab, Torsten E. M.; Rohrmann, Urban; Schubert, Thomas; Sextl, Gerhard; Kieback, Bernd

Journal article

Structural transformation of layered double hydroxides: an in situ TEM analysis

Hobbs, C.; Jaskaniec, S.; McCarthy, E. K.; Downing, C.; Opelt, K.; Güth, Konrad; Shmeliov, A.; Mourad, M.C.D.; Mandel, K.; Nicolosi, V.

Journal article

Erratum to: Structural transformation of layered double hydroxides: an in situ TEM analysis (npj 2D Materials and Applications, (2018), 2, 1, (4), 10.1038/s41699-018-0048-4 )

Hobbs, C.; Jaskaniec, S.; McCarthy, E. K.; Downing, C.; Opelt, K.; Güth, Konrad; Shmeliov, A.; Mourad, M.C.D.; Mandel, K.; Nicolosi, V.

Journal article

Recycling von Li-Ionen-Batterien

Bokelmann, Katrin; Horn, Daniel; Zimmermann, Jörg; Gellermann, Carsten; Stauber, Rudolf

Journal article

Selective metallurgy in the recycling economy using brass recycling as an example

Hilgendorf, S.; Homm, Gert; Gellermann, Carsten; Stauber, Rudolf; Friedrich, B.

Journal article

Anisotropic local hardening in hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets

Sawatzki, Simon; Schneider, Thorsten; Yi, Min; Bruder, Enrico; Ener, Semih; Schönfeldt, Mario; Güth, Konrad; Xu, Bai-Xiang; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Advanced magnetic materials could drive next-generation energy technologies

Patel, Prachi; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Magnetocaloric materials for refrigeration near room temperature

Waske, Anja; Gruner, Markus E.; Gottschall, Tino; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

A Comparative Study on the Magnetocaloric Properties of Ni-Mn-X(-Co) Heusler Alloys

Taubel, Andreas; Gottschall, Tino; Fries, Maximilian; Riegg, Stefan; Soon, Christopher; Skokov, Konstantin P.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Phosphor und Phosphatrecycling

Maurer, Alexander; Lohmeier, Reinhard; Fröhlich, Peter; Frank, Daniel; Gellermann, Carsten; Bertau, Martin

Journal article

Towards an Alloy Recycling of Nd–Fe–B Permanent Magnets in a Circular Economy

Diehl, Oliver; Schönfeldt, Mario; Brouwer, Eva; Dirks, Almut; Rachut, Karsten; Gassmann, Jürgen; Güth, Konrad; Buckow, Alexander; Gauß, Roland; Stauber, Rudolf; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Anomalous electrodeposition of gold-indium alloys

Choi, B.-K.; Sauer, F.; Beck, G.; Stauber, Rudolf; Dobrovolska, T.

Journal article

Thermochemical Modelling and Experimental Validation of In Situ Indium Volatilization by Released Halides during Pyrolysis of Smartphone Displays

Flerus, Benedikt; Swiontek, Thomas; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf; Friedrich, Bernd

Journal article

Comparative Analysis About Degradation Mechanisms of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) in Slow and Fast Pyrolysis: The Influence of Heating Speed

Diaz, Fabian; Flerus, Benedikt; Nagraj, Samant; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf; Friedrich, Bernd

Journal article

Bioleaching zum Recycling von Sekundärrohstoffen

Auerbach, Romy; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf; Schnell, Sylvia; Ratering, Stefan; Werner, Arite; Haseneder, Roland; Vostal, Radek; Bertau, Martin; Gellermann, Carsten

Journal article

Synthese von Calciumsilicathydraten für eine Rückgewinnung von Phosphor in der Abwasserbehandlung

Zeggel, Lars; Fritzsche, Moritz; Gellermann, Carsten; Stauber, Rudolf

Journal article

Nanostructured ZnFeZr oxyhydroxide precipitate as efficient phosphate adsorber in waste water: understanding the role of different material-building-blocks

Schneider, Michael; Drenkova-Tuhtan, Asya; Szczerba, Wojciech; Gellermann, Carsten; Meyer, Carsten; Steinmetz, Heidrun; Mandel, Karl; Sextl, Gerhard

Journal article

The Resource Basis of Magnetic Refrigeration

Gauß, Roland; Homm, Gert; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

REE Recovery from End-of-Life NdFeB Permanent Magnet Scrap: A Critical Review

Yang, Yongxiang; Walton, Allan; Sheridan, Richard; Güth, Konrad; Gauß, Roland; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Buchert, Matthias; Steenari, Britt-Marie; van Gerven, Tom; Jones, Peter Tom; Binnemans, Koen

Journal article

A systematic study of HDDR processing conditions for the recycling of end-of-life Nd-Fe-B magnets

Lixandru, Alexandru; Poenaru, Iuliana; Güth, Konrad; Gauß, Roland; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Identification and recovery of rare-earth permanent magnets from waste electrical and electronic equipment

Lixandru, A.; Venkatesan, P.; Jönsson, C.; Poenaru, I.; Hall, B.; Yang, Y.; Walton, A.; Güth, Konrad; Gauß, Roland; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Experimental and computational analysis of magnetization reversal in (Nd,Dy)-Fe-B core shell sintered magnets

Helbig, Tim; Loewe, Konrad; Sawatzki, Simon; Yi, Min; Xu, Bai-Xiang; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Normal and abnormal grain growth in fine-grained Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets prepared from He jet milled powders

Bittner, F.; Woodcock, T. G.; Schultz, L.; Schwöbel, C.; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Zickler, G. A.; Fidler, J.; Üstüner, K.; Katter, M.

Journal article

Pilot-scale removal and recovery of dissolved phosphate from secondary wastewater effluents with reusable ZnFeZr adsorbent @ Fe3O4/SiO2 particles with magnetic harvesting

Drenkova-Tuhtan, Asya; Schneider, Michael; Franzreb, Matthias; Meyer, Carsten; Gellermann, Carsten; Sextl, Gerhard; Mandel, Karl; Steinmetz, Heidrun

Journal article

Composite coating composed of zeolite Y (FAU) and binder prepared from bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane

Brockmann, N.; Bokelmann, Katrin; Rose, K.; Herling, M.; Gunschera, J.; Sextl, G.

Journal article

Recycling of Florescent Phosphor Powder Y2O3:Eu by Leaching Experiments

Auerbach, Romy; Bokelmann, Katrin; Ratering, Stefan; Stauber, Rudolf; Schnell, Sylvia; Zimmermann, Jörg

Journal article

Photostimulated luminescence properties of neutron image plates

Popov, A. I.; Zimmermann, Jörg; McIntyre, G. J.; Wilkinson, C.

Journal article

Rückgewinnung von Seltenerd- und Platingruppenmetallen aus Aufbereitungs- und Produktionsrückständen

Homm, Gert; Kazmierczak, K.; Brämer, Thilo; Gellermann, Carsten; Stauber, Rudolf

Journal article

Lead removal from brass scrap by fluorine-free compound separation

Hilgendorf, S.; Binz, F.; Welter, J.-M.; Friedrich, B.

Journal article

Structure-Function Relationships of Antimicrobial Peptides and Proteins with Respect to Contact Molecules on Pathogen Surfaces

Zhang, Ruiyan; Eckert, Thomas; Lutteke, Thomas; Hanstein, Stefan; Scheidig, Axel; M. J. J. Bonvin, Alexandre; E. Nifantiev, Nikolay; Kozar, Tibor; Schauer, Roland; Abdulaziz Enani, Mushira; Siebert, Hans-Christian

Journal article

Micromagnetic simulations on the grain shape effect in Nd-Fe-B magnets

Yi, Min; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Xu, Bai-Xiang

Journal article

Grain boundary diffusion in nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets with low-melting eutectics

Sawatzki, Simon; Kübel, Christian; Ener, Semih; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Influence of cation building blocks of metal hydroxide precipitates on their adsorption and desorption capacity for phosphate in wastewater—A screening study

Drenkova-Tuhtan, Asya; Schneider, Michael; Mandel, Karl; Meyer, Carsten; Gellermann, Carsten; Sextl, Gerhard; Steinmetz, Heidrun

Journal article

Rückgewinnung von Wertstoffen aus flüssigen Medien mittels magnetischer Mikropartikel

Saadat, R.; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf

Journal article

Neuartige Trennverfahren zur Rückgewinnung kritischer Rohstoffe

Bokelmann, Katrin; Hartfeil, T.; Gellermann, Carsten; Stauber, Rudolf

Journal article

Bioleaching of Metals and Rare Earth Elements from Secondary Raw Materials Using Acidophilic Bacteria and Fungi

Auerbach, R.; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf; Schnell, S.; Ratering, S.

Journal article

Konzepte zur Wiedergewinnung strategischer Metalle über die Gasphase

Binnewies, Michael; Bokelmann, Katrin; Gellermann, Carsten; Gäth, Stefan; Stauber, Rudolf

Journal article

Mechanism of the texture development in hydrogen-disproportionation–desorption-recombination (HDDR) processed Nd–Fe–B powders

Sepehri-Amin, H.; Ohkubo, T.; Hono, K.; Güth, Konrad; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Effect of DyF 3 on the corrosion behavior of hot-pressed Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets

Sueptitz, R.; Sawatzki, S.; Moore, M.; Uhlemann, M.; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Gebert, A.

Journal article

On the preparation of La(Fe,Mn,Si)13H polymer-composites with optimized magnetocaloric properties

Radulov, Iliya A.; Skokov, Konstantin P.; Karpenkov, Dmitriy Yu.; Gottschall, Tino; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Polymer-bonded La(Fe,Mn,Si)13H

Radulov, I. A.; Skokov, K. P.; Karpenkov, D. Y.; Braun, T.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

The effect of surface grain reversal on the AC losses of sintered Nd–Fe–B permanent magnets

Moore, Martina; Roth, Stefan; Gebert, Annett; Schultz, Ludwig; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Temperature-dependent Dy diffusion processes in Nd–Fe–B permanent magnets

Löewe, K.; Brombacher, C.; Katter, M.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Magnetic anisotropy of La 2 Co 7

Kuz'Min, M. D.; Skokov, K. P.; Radulov, I.; Schwöbel, C. A.; Foro, S.; Donner, W.; Werwiński, M.; Rusz, J.; Delczeg-Czirjak, E.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Microstructure and magnetic properties of Mn-Al-C alloy powders prepared by ball milling

Jian, H.; Skokov, K. P.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Magnet properties of Mn70Ga30 prepared by cold rolling and magnetic field annealing

Ener, S.; Skokov, K. P.; Karpenkov, D.Yu.; Kuz'Min, M. D.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Growth, structure, and magnetic properties of γ′-Fe4N thin films

Dirba, I.; Yazdi, M. Baghaie; Radetinac, A.; Komissinskiy, P.; Flege, S.; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Alff, L.

Journal article

Increased magnetic moment induced by lattice expansion from α-Fe to α′-Fe8N

Dirba, I.; Komissinskiy, P.; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Alff, L.

Journal article

Coatings with a Mole-hill Structure of Nanoparticle-Raspberry Containers for Surfaces with Abrasion-Refreshable Reservoir Functionality

Ballweg, Thomas; Gellermann, Carsten; Mandel, Karl

Journal article

Verfahren zum Recycling von seltenerdhaltigen Permanentmagneten - Processes for the Recycling of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets

Gauß, Roland; Diehl, Oliver; Brouwer, Eva; Buckow, Alexander; Güth, Konrad; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Calculation of remanence and degree of texture from EBSD orientation histograms and XRD rocking curves in Nd–Fe–B sintered magnets

Sawatzki, Simon; Woodcock, Thomas G.; Güth, Konrad; Müller, Karl-Hartmut; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Large entropy change, adiabatic temperature change, and small hysteresis in La(Fe,Mn)11.6Si1.4 strip-cast flakes

Zhang, M. X.; Liu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Dong, J. D.; Yan, A. R.; Skokov, K. P.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Heat exchangers made of polymer-bonded La(Fe,Si) 13

Skokov, K. P.; Karpenkov, D. Yu.; Kuz'Min, M. D.; Radulov, I. A.; Gottschall, T.; Kaeswurm, B.; Fries, Maximilian; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Sustainable Phosphorus Management

Scholz, Roland W.; Roy, Amit H.; Brand, Fridolin S.; Hellums, Deborah T.; Ulrich, Andrea E.

Journal article

Coercivity enhancement in hot-pressed Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets with low melting eutectics

Sawatzki, Simon; Dirks, Almut; Frincu, Bianca; Löwe, Konrad; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Systematic investigation of Mn substituted La(Fe,Si)13 alloys and their hydrides for room-temperature magnetocaloric application

Krautz, M.; Skokov, K.; Gottschall, T.; Teixeira, C. S.; Waske, A.; Liu, J.; Schultz, L.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Magnetic properties of (Fe,Co)2B alloys with easy-axis anisotropy

Jian, H.; Skokov, K. P.; Kuz'Min, M. D.; Radulov, I.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article

Properties of isolated single crystalline and textured polycrystalline nano/sub-micrometre Nd2Fe14B particles obtained from milling of HDDR powder

Pal, S. K.; Güth, Konrad; Woodcock, T. G.; Schultz, L.; Gutfleisch, Oliver

Journal article